This campaign is intended to make the region’s commuters aware that there are job offers for them that are much closer to home. The city of Ludwigsfelde and the districts of Teltow-Fläming and Dahme-Spreewald have the jobs so that people no longer have to commute. EMBASSY developed the campaign design and the central message of the campaign, which is varied linguistically by theme: »Kürzer Pendeln. Länger Leben.« (Shorter commute. Live Longer.) The campaign ended in March 2024.
From the districts of Teltow-Fläming and Dahme-Spreewald, almost 80,000 people commute out to work every working day – mostly in the direction of Berlin. For the oversupply of jobs and the booming districts, this target group is the group of people with the highest potential, because a change of job is associated with a reduced commuting time.
Challenge and objective
The campaign is designed to alert out-commuters to job opportunities nearby. The prospect of being able to spend more time playing with the children, having more of their own garden or being able to cycle to work are the strongest levers for considering a job change.
The motifs focus on the gain in quality of life and lifetime. The main message of the campaign: Shorter commute. Live longer.
At the beginning of February 2023, the campaign placed its motifs along commuter corridors toward Berlin on billboards, in buses, at train stations, on roads and P+R parking lots, as well as on social media. A second wave followed in spring 2023. The duration of the campaign was extended due to its great success. A third wave followed in fall 2023 with new themes and motifs. A networking event for entrepreneurs in the region with the motto »Wir haben die Jobs.« (We have the jobs.) rounded off the campaign in February 2024.

»Wir hatten einen Bewerber, der sich u. a. aufgrund Ihres Slogans: »Kürzer Pendeln. Länger Leben.« bei uns beworben hat. Der Slogan hat ihn motiviert über seine Lebenssituation nachzudenken, woraufhin er sich bei uns beworben hat. Wir werden den Bewerber einstellen. – Aus unserer Sicht also eine sehr erfolgreiche Kampagne!«
MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg GmbH, Frau Joana Vogt | Personalwesen